Saturday, March 20, 2010

GUESS WHO'S BIZ-ACK!! Man its been a while...since August 29th to be exact but im back at it like a crack addict.Im really only writing this blog because my boyfriend is in the club right now and doesnt have service so we cant text at all. BUT its been so much,but so little that has happened in that 7 month gap that i feel i should write a blog for every month but who needs that? (although im so bored i could do it right now) But anyways last week was spring break,and like every other college Tennessean I spent it in Panama City Beach,Florida. But before you get excited dont because the weather was nothing to be thrilled about,and neither was the loss of money...I can account for 70 wasted dollars last week which was not cool.First 40 on a party card that NO ONE used,second was 30 dollars to get into a club just to get kicked out 45 minutes to an hour later. Since last friday ive just been smh at how i lost money because of other people.I guess one of the greatest things about spring break was that my phone quit working on me. Because of that I now have a brand spanking new phone that does everything except make me breakfast.What phone you ask?? Cant tell you,thats classified information.(its a razor,lol jk but do you remember when everyone had those things?)

In other news,this week was TERRIBLE.It was the week after spring break so that basically sums up everything doesnt it lol.Of course I couldnt just go back to classes monday so I didnt and ask me if i regret it,ill tell you HELL NO HOMIE! And even worse than going back to classes was going back to work..its sooooo hard to go back to work when you've had a week off.I guess you could say the highlight of my week would be thursday night when my white co-worker called me a nigger. And before you wonder in your head what i did ill go ahead and tell you---NOTHING!! I did nothing to him. I guess racists dont need a reason to truely be racist eh. Ive never had one of those racial encounters before in my life so i guess you can say now i have truely lived my life! lol I feel the boy should be fired for his racial slur but the only thing that happened was he got a write up (angry face) who gives write ups for something that serious?!?! But this aint over!!

But as of right now theres nothing more i want to say on this blog.I was just here giving a brief little recap and welcome back blog. There will be more this week and for weeks to come,but thats what i said last time and look what we'll see wont we!?!

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS! You have now lived your life! You are right up there with Dr. Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks! but not the Rosa Parks we saw at McDonalds on our way home! you go girl!
